Kaki is a species from a fruit tree whose scientific name is Diospyros Kaki. The fruit is named after the tree.
Grown since the seventh century in China and Japan, it was in the twentieth century when the “Bright Red” variety spontaneously appeared in Carlet, within the Valencian county of Ribera del Xúquer.
The Kaki Persimmon variety is one from which la Ribera del Xúquer (Valencia) has the Designation of Origin. Valencia produces 95% of the total production in Spain (around 100,000 tonnes per season). This variety is astringent (sharp taste) and cannot be eaten when freshly picked. This fruit requires a process of controlled temperature and atmosphere in order to fully eliminate astringency.
Our Kaki is a sweet fruit, easy to eat, with a high content of fibre, beta-carotene and antioxidants, which makes it perfect for purifying and rejuvenating the body.